A Huge Thank You to Jacquie

This year sees another momentous milestone - Jacquie's 15 year anniversary at Oak Lodge!
Jacquie is a familiar face for some of our longest standing patients. Over the past 15 years she has built up a fiercely loyal patient base, who often have to fight hard to reserve their appointments with her; with many patients taking great lengths to reserve their appointments a year ahead!
And it's not hard to see why. Jacquie's chair has often been likened to more of a therapist's chair than a dental one (and that's no commentary on the mental state of her patients!)
She has a big heart and her attentive, kind nature has helped so many of her patients through so much more than removing plaque! It is impossible to list the many ways in which Jacquie has contributed to the practice over the years. Her patience and loyalty, sense of fun and her unwavering dedication to the highest quality dental care, have all contributed hugely to the standard of care we can offer our patients.
We owe a lot to Jacquie and her 15 years of hard-work and we think we can speak for her patients in saying a great big thank you from all of us!