Changes to way we keep in touch...

It's hard to avoid the recent conversation about the changes to the law regarding Data Protection. The new legislation has such far-reaching consequences that not many businesses or industries remain unaffected.
The way companies use your contact details will soon be in your hands, which we think can only be a good thing! It means that you can reduce the chances of being hounded by unwanted marketing tactics.
What is GDPR?
On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced across Europe, including the UK. The law aims to give citizens more control over their data and to create a uniformity of rules to enforce across the continent.
How does it affect you?
You may begin to notice some differences in how businesses and organisations communicate with you. Privacy notices will be more transparent, consumer rights will be upheld and publicised, and news about any data breaches will travel faster and be harder for illicit businesses to cover up. (It may in fact seem that data is less secure after the change, simply because the volume of news on it will increase!)
What next?
We love to stay in touch with our patients and keep you up to date with our news via our email newsletters, however we, along with many many of the other businesses you interact with, will be asking for your active consent in order to communicate with you for any other purposes besides your regular appointment reminders, or any notifications regarding your appointments. Keep an eye out for an email over the coming months, asking for you to 'opt in' should you wish to continue hearing from us.
If you have any concerns about your data, or any questions about the way in which we will communicate with you following the introduction of GDPR, please do contact us on 01428 723179.