Oh, the places you'll go...!

Having set our Acorns the challenge to take their squirrels on an adventure back in February, we are now drawing near to the end of our Squirrels on Tour competition on Monday 13th September.
So far, our Acorns have not disappointed with their entries! But we are looking to recruit a few more photo's of your squirrels' adventures, before deciding on our winner of our star prize of a Sony PSP!
Just remember to take your little squirrel friend with you on your next outing and take a picture of them somewhere you think we'd like to see. It doesn't have to be quite as far as America or Australia, like some of our current contestants. Just a woodland trip, a picnic at the seaside, or a trip to London can be made into an adventure, with a bit of imagination!
Send your photographs to e.figg@oaklodgedental.co.uk or drop them into the practice before 13th September (and don't forget to tell us a little bit about your squirrel and their adventure too!) We look forward to seeing your pictures soon!