It's the school holidays!

The school holidays can seem to last for an eternity. With day after day of time to fill, it’s a real challenge to find fun things to do which don’t cost the earth. So you’ll be pleased to know we’ve done some of the hard work for you! Read on for some of our top tips for low-cost school holiday fun.
Painted Rocks
The popularity of painted rocks continues with more and more people getting involved all the time. If you haven’t stumbled on this fun way to enjoy the outdoors and some creativity, here’s the low down:
Painted Rocks is a new take on
Find a selection of smalls pebbles/rocks – the flatter the better - and decorate them with your choice of patterns, messages, animals, flowers, superhero, anything you love and want to share. Usually, there’s a hashtag for a local Painted Rocks Facebook group so that the finders can take photographs and share their finds.
With your rocks painted, head out to find great hiding places for your own rocks and hunt for other hidden rocks. The fun of painted rocks makes getting out in the fresh air take on a whole new level of fun for children and is a great way to discover new countryside places.
Haslemere Museum
Founded in 1888 by Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, Haslemere Museum is now a 15,000sqm educational space housing over 240,000 natural history specimens and artefacts from around the world.
During the school holidays, you’ll find lots of amazing, intriguing, interesting and fun things to do with children, all for just a few pounds. Here are just a few of the events which are running over the summer, find out more here
8th August: Get Buzzing - learn all about the Museum’s bees
14th August: Falconry display – interactive flying displays provided by Falcon High
22nd August: Teddy Bears’ Picnic & Mini Fete – pop along for children’s tea, games, face painting and more. Don’t forget your teddy!
29th August: Lego Challenge – Join Brilliant Bricks to design and build a
There are so many fantastic events, workshops, lectures and exhibitions at the museum coming up, it’s hard to decide which ones to go to!
Beach fun
The English weather can wreak havoc on summer holiday plans, but don’t let a lack of sunshine stop you hitting the beach. As long as you’re prepared, have a picnic and a bucket and spade, you can have hours of fun.
If you can’t face battling the traffic down to the coast, why not try Frensham Great Pond instead? With it’s Green Flag
In case it’s not warm enough to simply sit an enjoy the views or splash in the water, try some of these beach ideas:
Take some pretend coins and secretly bury them in the sand and have fun digging for treasure.
Pack a mini kite to make the most of the blustery weather.
Make a hopscotch grid in the sand and use shells or stones for markers.
Pack some bubbles! The open space of the beach and the breeze is a perfect combination to create some bubble fun.
Make a sandman. Channelling all of your snowman building expertise, mix up the water and sand to build a sandman – who can build the tallest one!
Whatever you decide to make the most of the summer holidays, have fun!